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Becoming a Good Leader

Este texto foi elaborado para o nível B1 e foca no uso de "adjetivos de condição e adjetivos de participação" (Condition and participle adjectives), abordando o tópico liderança.


I want to be a good leader. To be a good leader, I need to be interested in people. I don't want to be boring. I want to be interesting.

In the morning, I want to listen to my team. I don't want them to feel bored. I want them to be excited about our work. Being excited is better than being tired.

For lunch, I want to talk about new ideas. I don't want my team to be frightened of trying. Trying new things is not frightening. It's exciting!

In the afternoon, I want to solve problems. I don't want to make things confusing. I want to make things clear. Being confused is not good. Being clear is better.

Before I leave, I want to thank my team. I don't want them to feel unappreciated. I want them to know they are important. Feeling amused by their work is good. Being surprised by success is even better.

Tonight, I want to plan for tomorrow. I don't want to be unprepared. I want to be ready. Being prepared makes a leader strong. I don't want to be weak.

Becoming a good leader is not easy, but it is not impossible. I want to be a good leader. I don't want to give up. Tomorrow is another day to try again.



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