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Biggest countries: India and China

O texto a seguir apresenta uma comparação entre dois gigantes do futebol mundial, Lionel Messi e Cristiano Ronaldo, com um enfoque especial nas suas habilidades distintas dentro de campo. Aprenda o uso do comparativo com este texto feito para o nível B1.


Which is the most populous country in the world?

What is the population of China? And of India?


India and China are prominent global players. But which is better?

China has a larger land area than India. Due to its size, it boasts greater geographic diversity.

India’s population growth rate surpasses China’s. Consequently, it is expected to become the most populous country shortly.

China’s economy is more robust than India’s. It has a higher GDP and exerts more global economic influence.

India enjoys a more established democracy than China, potentially offering greater political stability over the long term.

Technological innovation is more advanced in China than in India, with China leading in several high-tech fields.

India’s cultural diversity is more pronounced than China’s, with a wide array of languages, religions, and traditions.

In brief, China is larger in terms of area and has a stronger economy, whereas India is on the verge of having the largest population and boasts significant cultural diversity.

Hence, each country excels in different areas.

Which one do you think is better?



Exercise 1. Match the adjective to its correct comparative form



Comparative Form


more artistic


more interconnected




more vibrant


more global


more iconic


more traditional






more diverse

Exercise 2. Choose the correct comparative form.

Smart - (smarter / more smart)

Good - (gooder / more good / better)

Clever - (cleverer / more clever)

Simple - (simpler / more simple)

Complex - (complexxer / more complex)

Warm - (warmer / more warm)

Friendly - (friendlier / more friendly)

Challenging - (challenginger / more challenging)

Expensive - (expensiver / more expensive)

Cheap - (cheaper / more cheap)

Far - (Further / More far / Farer)

Interesting - (interestinger / more interesting)

Boring - (boringer / more boring)

Bad - (badder / worse / more bad)

Dangerous - (dangerouser / more dangerous)

Safe - (safer / more safe)

Quiet - (quieter / more quiet)

Loud - (louder / more loud)

Strong - (stronger / more strong)

Weak - (weaker / more weak)

Happy - (happier / more happy)

Sad - (sadder / more sad)

Fast - (faster / more fast)

Exercise 3. Transform the sentences to use the comparative form. (AJUSTAR)

  1. The coffee is hot. The tea is cold.

  2. This book is interesting. That book is boring.

  3. My car is fast. My friend's car is slow.

  4. The movie was long. The documentary was short.

  5. Summer is warm. Winter is cold.

  6. The old computer is heavy. The new computer is light.

  7. The chocolate cake is sweet. The lemon cake is sour.

  8. The mountain is high. The hill is low.

  9. The exam was difficult. The quiz was easy.

  10. The city is noisy. The countryside is quiet.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences (AJUSTAR)

  1. I am _______ now after studying. (smart)

  2. The tree is _______ now with proper care. (large)

  3. She is _______ now after her journey. (content)

  4. The laptop is _______ now after cleaning. (efficient)

  5. His writing is _______ now with practice. (good)

  6. The room is _______ now after changing the bulbs. (bright)

  7. He is _______ now after the diet. (slim)

  8. The software is _______ now after the upgrade. (quick)

  9. She is _______ now after the training. (strong)

  10. The garden is _______ now in the spring. (alive)


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