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China: Liberalization, Development, and a Vast Population

A seguir vamos ler um texto sobre a China e as mudanças importantes que aconteceram nos últimas anos. O texto foi feito para o nível B2.


China, often referred to as the Middle Kingdom, boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and innovation. Over the last few decades, its journey towards liberalization has ignited unprecedented economic development, placing it firmly on the global stage.

Liberalization and Development

In the late 1970s, China began a series of economic reforms under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, which marked its move from a centrally planned economy to a more market-oriented one. This liberalization opened doors to foreign investment, diversified trade, and resulted in a massive surge in its GDP. The result? A significant number of Chinese citizens were lifted out of poverty, cities transformed with skyscrapers, and China grew to become the world's second-largest economy.

Infrastructure development, technological innovation, and an emphasis on education also flourished. Today, China is home to some of the world's largest tech companies and boasts an impressive high-speed rail network.

A Population Perspective

China's vast land houses a population of over 1.4 billion people. To provide perspective on its massive population, consider the provinces and their equivalents:

  1. Guangdong Province: With a population of over 113 million, Guangdong itself has more people than countries like the France and UK together.

  2. Henan Province: Home to over 95 million people, Henan’s population exceeds that of Germany.

Despite these massive numbers, China's population growth rate has slowed in recent years due to urbanization and policies like the One-Child Policy (which has now been relaxed).


China's path towards liberalization has significantly shaped its current global position. Its development story, coupled with its astonishing population, makes it a unique and fascinating study in modern geopolitics. When considering its provinces, it becomes clear that China is not just a country, but a universe of cultures, landscapes, and stories with populations that rival entire nations elsewhere.


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