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Chore Time

Mother: Sammy, do the dishes. Sammy: Yes, Mom. Mother: Good, Sammy. Now, do the laundry. Sammy: Yes, Mom. Mother: Nice. Now, clean your room and put your toys away. Sammy: Yes, Mom. Mother: Thank you, Sammy. Take out the trash now. Sammy: Yes, Mom. Mother: Well done. Now, vacuum the living room. Sammy: Yes, Mom. Mother: Good job, Sammy. Next, wipe the kitchen counters. Sammy: Yes, Mom. Mother: Now, feed the dog. Sammy: Yes, Mom. Mother: Very good, Sammy. Last task, sweep the porch. Sammy: Yes, Mom. Mother: Excellent work, Sammy. You finish all your chores. Now you can play.

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