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Great at Work: Key Insights

Neste texto, abordaremos os principais insights do livro 'Great at Work', adaptados para o nível B2, focando em como maximizar nossa eficiência e eficácia no ambiente de trabalho através de práticas comprovadas



Do Less, Then Obsess: Top performers focus on a few key tasks and then put all their energy into doing those tasks exceptionally well. They don't try to do everything; instead, they prioritize and then obsess over getting the details right.

Redesign Your Work: Instead of accepting tasks as they come, top performers look for ways to change how they work to make it more effective. This might mean collaborating with others, using technology in new ways, or finding more efficient methods.

Passion and Purpose: It's not just about loving what you do. Top performers are deeply passionate about their work, but they also see a clear purpose in what they do. They understand how their tasks benefit others or contribute to a larger goal.

Learning is Crucial: The best workers are always learning. They seek feedback, challenge themselves with new tasks, and always look for ways to improve.

Collaborate Less: It might sound counterintuitive, but top performers actually collaborate less than others. They're selective about when and with whom they collaborate to ensure it's truly beneficial.

Quality Over Quantity: Instead of trying to work longer hours, top performers focus on the quality of their work. They take breaks, ensure they're well-rested, and avoid multitasking.

Forceful Champions: When they believe in an idea, top performers advocate for it forcefully. They're not aggressive, but they are assertive and persuasive, making sure their ideas get the attention they deserve.


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