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Is she the girl?


Antes de começarmos, assista a este trecho do tradicional seriado americano The Office. Nele, podemos observar que até americanos nativos tem dificuldade de diferenciar whom de who.

A seguir, vamos aprender a regra, fazer um exercício e ler um texto.

Sim! Pam (a garota de rosa) está correta!

Whom é o objeto, é quem recebe a ação e who para quando retoma a ideia do sujeito. Ou seja, quem realiza a ação.



John, the man who was very nervous, sat on the table. His friend, Tom, who was more excited than nervous, sat there too. "Is she the girl whom I want to marry?" asked John, his voice shaking with emotion.

Tom leaned in, a knowing look on his face. "Who else could it be, my friend? You've been talking about Sarah nonstop for months now. You light up whenever you're around her, who is the one you truly love."

John nodded, thinking about all the moments he and Sarah, whom he cherished deeply, had shared. "You're right, Tom. She's the only one whom I want to spend the rest of my life with."

Tom grinned, clapping John on the back. "That's the spirit! You know who you want to propose to, so why wait? Remember, it's Sarah who makes you feel this way."

John took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that proposing was a big step, but he couldn't imagine his life without Sarah by his side, who was his soulmate. "I love her, Tom. She's the one who completes me."

Tom raised his coffee mug in a toast. "To Sarah, the woman who captured your heart. I know she's going to say yes to the man whom she loves, and that's you, John."


Complete with who or whom.

  1. The woman _____ baked the cake is my neighbor.

  2. She is the person _____ I met at the conference.

  3. The man _____ you saw in the park is my uncle.

  4. The book _____ you recommended is fantastic.

  5. The athlete _____ won the race is from Brazil.

  6. The student _____ scored the highest in the class will receive a scholarship.

  7. The teacher _____ you were speaking to is Mr. Smith.

  8. The artist _____ painted this masterpiece is world-famous.

  9. The dog _____ found the bone was very happy.

  10. The scientist _____ discovered the new element received an award.

Anwer Key:

3 and 7: whom


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