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Protein-Rich Foods: Balancing Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Texto elaborado para o nível B1 nos ajuda a compreender a formação de proteína (músculo) e gordura na natureza e no nosso corpo.


Protein is key for building muscles, and foods like eggs, meat, milk, pork, fish, and chicken are great sources. However, these foods also have fat. When you're trying to grow your muscles, you need more calories, which can come from what you eat or the fat already in your body. But, when you diet, you might lose both fat and muscle unless you have a lot of extra fat.

You're not limited to just these foods for protein. There are other choices like cottage cheese, egg whites, whey protein, and lean parts of chicken or turkey. These alternatives provide protein without much fat.

Building muscle before you start a diet can be a smart move. Having more muscle helps your body burn fat more effectively. In short, focusing on protein-rich foods, considering low-fat options, and building muscle can all play a part in healthier weight management and muscle growth.


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