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The Misadventures of Tom: A Tale of Missed Chances

O texto a seguir é uma boa introdução ao passado negativo, com o uso do "didn't" e, principalmente do "was" passado do "be". O texto feito para o nível A1 e conta a história de Tom.



Tom was hungry, but he wasn't eating.

He was tired, but he didn't sleep.

The book was on the table, but it wasn't read.

His friends weren't in the house.

His family was on a trip.

The sun was up. The day was beautiful.

All along, Tom was a cat, and he was sad because he didn't catch Jerry.

Tom was a cat.

Jerry was a mouse.

Tom and Jerry were animals.

Tom was not happy. Tom was sad because he didn't catch Jerry.

Jerry was very happy because he was alive.

Tom was sad


Exercise 1

Find every verb in the text. Then, put them in the past

Exercise 2

Quando você deve usar "was" e quando deve usar o "were"?

Exercise 3

Test Level 1 and Level 2 and try to memorize verbs in English here.

Exercise Extra

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