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The Science Behind Motivation: Understanding What Truly Drives Us

O texto a seguir fala sobre a motivação no século XXI. Ele nos ajuda a nós mesmos e os outros. O texto foi construído para o nível B2. Parte da série Auto Desenvolvimento.


What motivates you the most?

Would you keep working if you did not need the money?



Human motivation has evolved from simple rewards and punishments to include a powerful third driver: intrinsic motivation. This type of motivation, fueled by autonomy, mastery, and purpose, propels individuals to excel.

Autonomy is the desire to control our own lives. Mastery is the drive to improve in meaningful areas, while purpose involves working towards goals that extend beyond ourselves.

Incorporating these intrinsic motivators can enhance satisfaction and achievement in both personal and professional realms. Key aspects include:

  • Task: Choosing one's projects or tasks.

  • Time: Flexibility in scheduling tasks.

  • Team: Selecting collaborators or team members.

  • Technique: Deciding on methods for task completion.

Achieving mastery is a mindset that believes skills can grow with effort and perseverance, fostering a love for learning and resilience. However, mastery is challenging and demands dedication, often involving struggles and learning from failures. It is viewed as an asymptote, a goal to continuously strive for without complete attainment, where the process of striving brings joy.

Purpose can be divided into 'Big Purpose,' connecting actions to a larger cause, and 'Small Purpose,' finding meaning in daily tasks. Both perspectives enhance motivation by linking efforts to broader goals or the well-being of others, offering a sense of contribution beyond personal achievements.


Perseverance: Persistent effort in doing something despite difficulties.

Asymptote: A line that continually approaches a curve but never meets it.

Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

Autonomy: The right or condition of self-government, or in a broader sense, the freedom to make one's own decisions.

Attainment: A conquista ou o alcance de um objetivo.

Strive: Lutar ou empenhar-se com determinação

homem no deserto simbolizando motivação


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