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Keep in touch with Friends

  1. Call your friends to say "hello".

  2. Send fun messages.

  3. Send memes.

  4. Share jokes.

  5. Like your friends posts on Instagram.

  6. Recommend a movie.

  7. Recommend a TV show.

  8. Invite for a coffe.

  9. Invite to your house.

  10. Remember special days.

  11. Call to wish happy birthday.

  12. Listen to your friends.

  13. Pay attention.

  14. Play paintball together.

  15. Go out together.

  16. Trust your friends.

  17. Hug your friends.

  18. Travel with your friends.

  19. Play videogames online together.

  20. Say "thank you".

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Qualities of Colleagues

No texto a seguir, trabalhamos o presente simples com 'is' e adjetivos. Veja como cada criança é descrita. Texto feito para alunos de inglês

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