Texto para nível A2 com o uso do futuro simples com "will" e o "if" sobre o sistema de score de crédito.
A credit score is from 0 to 1000.
If you have a good score, you are good with money.
If your score is high, you will get better loans
If your score is low, you will not get loans easily.
If you pay bills on time, you will improve your score.
If you use too much credit, your score will go down.
Checking your score regularly will help you understand it.
You will not hurt your score by checking it.
Banks will trust you with if you have a high score.
You will get lower interest rates, if you have a good score.
If you miss payments, your score will drop.
If you are a bank client for a long time, your score will be higher.
Choose 'will' or 'will not':
I ______ pay all my bills this month.
I ______ ignore my spending limits.