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When Will We Meet?

Neste texto, vamos aprender formas básicas de comunicar melhor no nível A2, preparando-nos para conversas e entendimentos mais complexos.



Anna: Hey Ben, when will you return the book you borrowed from me?

Ben: Oh, I'm almost done with it. When will you need it back?

Anna: Preferably by Friday. When will you be free to meet up?

Ben: I'll be free on Thursday afternoon. When will you be around the café?

Anna: Thursday works! When will you get there, approximately?

Ben: I think around 3 pm. When will you finish your work that day?

Anna: I should be done by 2:30 pm. When will you let me know if anything changes?

Ben: I will text you first thing in the morning. And when will you confirm our meeting place?

Anna: I will do it right after our chat. Sounds good?

Ben: Perfect. See you on Thursday!


Exercise 1

Read the statements and determine if they are true (T) or false (F) based on the dialogue "When Will We Meet?"

  1. Anna will return the book on Friday.

  2. Ben is free on Friday morning.

  3. The meeting at the café is set for 3 pm.

  4. Anna finishes work at 3 pm.

  5. Ben will text Anna in the evening.

Exercise 2

Match the "When will you" questions with the appropriate responses.

  1. When will you be available for a chat?

  2. When will you submit the report?

  3. When will you celebrate your birthday?

  4. When will you travel to Paris?

  5. When will you give her the gift?

a. I will do it next week. b. I will give it to her at her surprise party. c. I will be free around 4 pm. d. My birthday party will be on Saturday. e. I'm flying next month.

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