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Why Humans Are Born 'Unready'

O texto a seguir explora porque os seres humanos nascem sem estarem prontos para o mundo. O texto foi escrito para o no nível B2.


Humans are born not fully ready compared to many animals because of two main reasons: our strong community support and our big brains.

First, humans live in communities that help take care of babies. Babies can't do much on their own, but their families and others around them provide everything they need to grow. This teamwork makes it okay for humans to be born "unready."

Second, humans have very big brains. This makes us smart, but it also means babies' heads are big. If babies grew inside their mothers for longer, birth would be too hard. So, babies are born earlier and finish growing outside.

In short, because we help each other and because of our big brains, humans are born not fully developed but still do just fine.


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