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Young Hero's Life

Este texto para o nível A1 auxilia na compreensão do presente simples (simple present) com o eu (I) mostrando a vida de um super herói. O texto também usa o passado.


On Mondays, I wake up early, train my powers, and help grandma with groceries.

On Tuesdays, I go to school, study hard, but don't use my powers in class.

On Wednesdays, I patrol the city after school, help people in danger, and don't like to find annoying villains.

On Thursdays, I do my homework, try to hide my secret identity, and don't go out at night if there are emergencies.

On Fridays, I have a break from fighting crime, play video games with my best friend, but I don't tell him about my powers.

On weekends, I relax, spend time with family, and don't forget the world needs me.

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Qualities of Colleagues

No texto a seguir, trabalhamos o presente simples com 'is' e adjetivos. Veja como cada criança é descrita. Texto feito para alunos de inglês


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